Thursday, February 10, 2022

Day 7/24: Things I Won't Be Buying Today

If you have been reading me a while, you know I am a child of the 70s and feel most comfortable in surroundings that are retro, antique and vintage. My retro fascination applies heavily to kitchens (though admittedly, I do enjoy the conveniences of my modern dishwasher, new refrigerator and new-ish stove, so appliances don't count); but as far as decor goes, please give me some old school Butterfly Gold Corelle dinnerware with the kitschy trim around the edge, some avocado-colored Pyrex mixing bowls and please please please give me this Merry Mushroom set.

Between 1970 and 1987 (which, incidentally, is exactly my favorite 'era' for just about everything on this planet) retail giant SEARS developed over 250 items for its Merry Mushroom line of kitchen coordinates. It's such a popular collectible, even now, because almost everyone in my demographic knew someone who had and loved at least one piece of this set.

According to the website, which I just discovered today and will be visiting at length when I have more time, Merry Mushrooms was one of the largest and most successful lines in all of Sears' retail history.

So, although I won't be buying this today, I plan, someday, when I have the money, the space, the time and the energy, to decorate and properly outfit a retro kitchen with this and the aforementioned Corelle and Pyrex that I love so dearly. 

It just feels like home to me...and a feeling of "home" is very important to my day to day happiness. 

Do you have any special or vintage kitchen items? What are they and why do you love them so?

Retro 70s Merry Mushrooms canister and kitchen ware set, vintage Sears box

Vintage Pyrex Verde Avocado Green Cinderella Mixing Bowl Set image 1


Image 1 - 32 Piece Set Corelle Butterfly Gold Corning Pyrex Service For 4 Cream Sugar Bowl

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