Thursday, February 24, 2022

Day 13/24: Things I Won't Be Buying Today

I won't be buying a rabbit but I also won't be buying what I went to get at the Wilton Mall in Saratoga today because we swiftly and willingly gave my spending money to a rabbit rescue sanctuary called Hop On Home. 

Hop on Home operates in a mall store. They provide shelter and care to abandoned, relinquished, aged and ill rabbits. 

The competent, kind, and rightfully cautious person in charge let us in and once we were there a bit, showed us plans on paper for a freestanding barn style facility in the works that will allow this amazing rescue organization to continue to operate in an even greater capacity. 

If you go to the link at the top of this entry you can browse the adoptable rabbits, orphaned but warm and fed, thanks to these good people. You can also make a donation or buy a tshirt. As cliche' as it sounds, every little bit helps. If you have the capacity to offer volunteer hours, they need those, too. 

There is information at the end of this entry which will allow you to select Hop on Home as an entity permitted to receive charity from your Amazon (Smile Amazon) purchases. Again, every little bit will offer them some hope.

I can't tell you how much of a sobering experience this was for us and how much of a shoestring budget this group appears to be working from. It was the kind of visit where I kept focusing on my breath as I sat on the floor speaking softly to some of the more social among the approximately 50 rabbits in their cages. Breath work is hard for me but worthwhile for moments like this otherwise I would have completely lost my shit and wept uncontrollably. 

They have 10 more rabbits coming in tonight and they are driving around the state to rescue 30 more this weekend. 

My heart breaks for the animals and for the rescuers. Please share this blog or the link on your Facebook pages if you can. I pray we can raise some money for the dozens upon dozens of needy critters in their care.  

Lastly, and in keeping with the giving nature of this place, there are yoga classes offered there on Tuesday mornings and early evenings.  A class is 20 dollars and half the cost of the class is donated back to the sanctuary. The benevolent yoga teacher's name is Jamie and she can be reached at (broken down that is 'yoga from the yin side') for exact times. 

I played the lottery on the way home today (I needed the help of the clerk behind the gas station counter because I had no idea how to do this). If by some miracle I win, that barn will be my first mission. 

 Rabbit for adoptionBlack American breed rabbits,y_210,w_1536,h_1178/fill/w_685,h_525,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/wilton-mall-storefront.webp


Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select "Hop On Home Rabbit Sanctuary Inc" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to Hop on Home.

How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Hop On Home Rabbit Sanctuary Inc" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app

